Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ

Mormons (members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) are devout Christians. Some Christians of other churches hope to trip up Mormons with the following question: “Is Jesus God?”

Jesus Christ

Because of Mormonism’s complex doctrine, and because Mormons are not “creedal Christians” and don’t believe in the trinity, most Mormons will hesitate when asked this question. That’s not because they don’t consider Jesus Christ as God, but because they view God the Father and God the Son as two separate, glorified, resurrected beings. Along with the Holy Ghost, a being of spirit, they form the “Godhead,” who together are one in purpose but not in body or essence. Mormons pray to God the Father in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, who mediates for us with the Father.

Life is Eternal

Mormons are interested in what they call “the pre-existence” (or “pre-mortal life),” mortal life on earth, and life after death. Mormon doctrine teaches that we are eternal beings, that we have always existed, and that we will always exist, but not always in the same form. We began as individual “intelligences.”  God the Father created spirit bodies for us, and we lived with Him as His children in the pre-mortal realm, which Mormons often call “the first estate.”

It was during this time that Satan rebelled, and he and his followers were cast out. Their progress has stopped, and they will never obtain bodies. They will always be spirits.

The next step in our eternal progression was to obtain a mortal body through birth to earthly parents. Through the mortal body, we could be tested and tried. Forgetting the pre-mortal realm, we must live by faith, with scriptures and prophets to guide us.

At death, our spirits rise, and we leave our bodies behind. We go to the “spirit world” where we can continue to progress. A lot happens there. Our incorrect beliefs can be corrected. We are taught about Jesus Christ, if we did not have that opportunity during mortality. We can repent, and we can chose to avail ourselves of the grace of Christ and His atonement for us.

Finally, all are resurrected, and those who are most valiant are exalted into Heavenly Father’s full presence to become co-heirs with Christ. The goal of our Father is to bring us through all these stages, so that we may eventually be like Him and His Son. There are many mansions in heaven, within three main kingdoms. All except the “Sons of Perdition” will inherit a place in heaven. Sons of Perdition are those who deny the Christ after Christ has fully revealed Himself to them.

Mormon Plan of Salvation

Jesus Christ, Through Whom all Things were Created

Mormons believe that Christ was so intelligent and good, that His Spirit was created before all others, and God the Father created all other things through Him, worlds without number.  Therefore, Christ is both eternal and created, a doctrine foreign to most Christians. Mormons consider Christ both the Firstborn spiritually of the Father, and His Only Begotten on earth. Mormons often call Christ “elder brother,” because of Christ’s spiritual creation before all things.

Although our world was created by and through Christ, and He is through all things and in all things (His influence and light), our own spirits were created by God the Father. We are literally His children.

Mormons believe that Christ is the Word, spoken of by John. We believe that His atonement is infinite, that all living things in this world will be resurrected, that if we accept Christ’s atonement for us, we will not have to suffer for our sins, on condition of repentance. We believe that Christ invites all to come unto Him, and that every soul will have the opportunity to accept or reject that offer, whether during mortality or in the Spirit World after death. We believe that Christ is our Savior, our Mediator with the Father.

Are Mormons Christians?

Mormons are devout Christians and believe in the biblical account. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are devoted Christians, followers of the Lord Jesus Christ both in the set of their hearts and the reality of their deeds. Mormons believe that it is not enough to have "Christ in our hearts."...

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This is the Christ!

The following is a sermon (Mormons call it a "talk") given by Keith in a Mormon sacrament meeting on March 23, 2008, in Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.A. This is the Christ! “When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? And they...

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Do Mormons Believe in a Different Jesus?

A personal answer from Gale. There is only one Jesus Christ, and only through Him can mankind be saved.  However, various faiths have different views of Him, some which are biblical, and some of which have been passed down from early Christian councils and Protestant tradition (Trinitarianism).  This article partially answers the accusations posed by...

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Is Lucifer the Brother of Jesus?

The war in heaven, by Gustav Dore There is no doubt that, coming out of nowhere, this idea sounds appalling.  If someone were to walk up to you on the street and ask, “Hey, did you know that Jesus and Satan are brothers?” you’d run away.  To understand where this idea comes from, you would...

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The Importance of Easter

Easter sometimes gets less attention than Christmas and yet Christians know that Christmas would not matter at all if the events of Easter hadn’t happened. For Mormons—a nickname for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—Easter is a particularly sacred holiday, in the sense of the original meaning. The word holiday originally...

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