This section of is dedicated to answering your questions about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, hopefully to clear up misperceptions regarding Mormons and Mormon doctrine. Just click on a question, and you’ll be taken to the answer.
Do Mormons Believe in a Different Jesus?
Is Lucifer the Brother of Jesus?
What are the Health Laws of the Mormon Church?
What Do Mormons Believe about Salvation?
What is a Mormon Wedding Like?
Why do Mormons have More Scriptures than the Bible?
Why don’t you have the Gold Plates?
Why are Horses Mentioned in the Book of Mormon?
Why did it take until 1978 for the Church to give Blacks the priesthood?
Why does the Mormon Church Meddle in Politics?
Why do Mormons think they can become gods?
Is the Eighth Article of Faith a Cop-Out? (Mormons believe in the Bible as far as it is translated correctly.)
Where is it written that I’m allowed as a member serving in any capacity to judge another person’s commitment?